Friday, December 12, 2014

Revenge is Sweet like Apples(Poetry reaction #6)


Anger can cause some people to do very irrational things. When some people are angry at another person, especially when they feel they have wronged them, they may want to take revenge on that person. In William Blake's poem “A Poison Tree” he shows his readers someone trying to deal with their foe. This poem intrigued me by its title, and how unordinary the title was. A poisonous tree what could that possibly mean? After reading the poem I realized how nicely it was written, and how dark it really is.
I felt kind of connected while reading the poem, Blake wrote a poem about something everyone's been through, feeling angry, and wanting revenge. I always find that the darker poems really lure people in, it makes them think more then another poem do, like poems about war or about just going to the store.  There are so many themes people could write about, but I believe the two most read topics are love and hatred, at least for myself. They are usually about emotions everyone experiences throughout their life. Its easier to get the point and connect with the speaker because the reader has gone through that emotion before themselves.
Blake starts off with showing the readers a contrast between being angry with a friend, and being angry with an enemy. When two friends fight they make up, because they care about each other, but when someone and the person they dislike fight, it just adds to how much they dislike the person. Its easy to tell that the speakers foe is probably a stealer, the speaker knew this, and he set up a trap for him. It shares the message that you have to think ahead of your opponent. Be one step in front of the other guy. The speaker knew that if he grew a tree of fruit that looks so delicious, his foe would take it. He created a poison apple that his foe had no idea about, and he was finally able to get back at him for whatever he did.  My mother always comes home complaining someone drank her soda that she left in the fridge at work, I tell her to put something in it and leave it there. Someone is bound to drink it. Its just not fair when people get pushed around for so long, they get fed up with everything. Revenge seems like a good idea when your brain is fogged up with so much anger.
    The poem is so eerie, it starts off pleasant, talking about how fights between friends never last, they forgive and forget, but then it talks about how when foes fight is is not forgotten. It leads to revenge, or taking action. Theres no way to forget being wronged by someone you hate so much, you just start to hate them more and more. Although the poem does have a really  great flow, it comes off the tongue so nicely because of its rhyme scheme, and then it ends abruptly with death(spoilers).  It was an exciting poem, you kinda root for the speaker, he’s finally able to get rid of his enemy once and for all, he won't be able to bother him anymore.

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